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5 Common Physical Therapy Myths

In recent years, physical therapy has become increasingly popular. People who have never been to a physical therapist before may have preconceived perceptions of what PT is and how it helps. Here some of the most common myths about physical therapy: I need a prescription or referral to see a physical therapist – In all 50 […]

Knee Pain by the Numbers

Got knee pain? You aren’t alone. Whether you have suffered an acute injury, or you are experiencing chronic issues, knee pain can definitely affect your overall quality of life. The knee is comprised of four bones, stabilized actively by several different muscles, depends on numerous ligaments and cartilage for joint integrity and is subject to […]

What They Didn’t Tell You About Your Knee Pain

While some physicians prescribe drugs or surgery, conventional physical therapists use one-size-fits-all protocols and tape/braces, chiropractors recommend multiple visits for manipulation, and massage therapists try to get muscles to relax. The doctors at One80 Physical Therapy® treat the root cause of the symptoms. We actually take all of the factors affecting knee function into account, […]

Top 5 Foam Rolling Myths

Mashing muscle with foam rolling has become extremely popular in the health and wellness community. Before grabbing a foam roller or lacrosse ball, see if you have fallen for these popular misconceptions and myths: Myth #1: Foam rolling breaks down scar tissue/adhesions These tissues are made of collagen, which is extremely dense and strong. It […]

If Stretching is Out, What is In?

Dr. Stewart McGill, possibly the most regarded expert of spine biomechanics, and professor at the University of Waterloo in Canada, has stated that “static stretching deadens the muscle from a neural perspective – diminishing the stretch reflex and reducing peak strength and power.“ He goes on to state that active warm-ups actually facilitate muscle contraction, […]